"The power to dream and the passion to achieve" – our vision, drives much of our decision making as we work towards it.
Three key values (Care and Respect, Persevere to Achieve, Lead with Integrity) guide us to be Kohia Kaitiaki.
We grow as learners through our four KTS learner competencies: mōhio (self awarenesss), whanaunantanga (relating to others), whakaaro (thinking), whakatutukitanga (taking action). These four elements guide our KTS learner profiles.
Our whakatauki is "Kohia te wānanga e tu ki te ao mārama" - we gather the knowledge from those around us and stand up to face with world with knowledge and understanding.
Our learning programmes cover nine key learning areas throughout the year; English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Technology, The Arts, Languages, Health and PE.
Each student's achievement, and their well-being, is at the forefront our decision making.
Parent / whanau support and engagement is a key factor in each students.
Our school day
8.50am - 10.30am | First Block |
10.30am - 11.00am | Morning Break |
11.00am - 12.40pm | Second Block |
12.40pm - 1.30pm | Lunch Break |
1.30pm - 3.00pm | Third Block |