The power to dream The passion to achieve

Kohia te wānanga e tū ki te ao mārama

Curriculum Refresh

How is the curriculum being refreshed and what does it mean for KTS?

KTS Vision and Values

Our vision and values drive our decision making. The following details the background of these key themes in our school.

Kohia Kid Zone

All the information on our Before and After School Care programme

I tēnei wiki i KTS /This week at KTS

We are so impressed with our students and how they have quickly settled into the new school year.  We look forward to seeing you for the Parent Information evening on Thursday and sincerely hope you are staying for the community picnic after our hui. 

Please note these key dates below. 

Thursday 20th Feb- 9.00 - 10.30 - Year 5 and 6 swimming sports at ANI pool
Thursday 20th Feb - 11.00 - 12.30 - Year 7 & 8 swimming sports at ANI pool
Thursday 20th Feb - Parent Information Evening and school picnic
5.30 - 5.55 - Classroom meetings
6.00 - 6.30 - Parent hui in the hall
6.30 - 7.30 - Community Picnic
Friday 21st Feb - Kapa Haka starts 

School Policies  - Quick Links for Parents and Whānau.  User name: kts  Password: passion

ACCESS IT - for students (access to our school library programme)

2025 Stationery and uniforms

Your child’s class list is available now on the OfficeMax MySchool website – School Uniform can be purchased online or in store from School Uniform Centre

Latest Board Update

Community Letter Dec 2024

see all

Latest newsletters


11 February
4 February

About KTS

Kohia Terrace School is a full primary offering quality learning opportunities for Year 1 to Year 8 students.

Please take the time to browse our website to further your knowledge of our school.  Do not hesitate to contact us if you require more assistance or further information.
