The KTS PTA is now called the Community Connection Team (the CCT). The CCT is a network of Community Connectors and Event Teams.

Tim and Aisling Sharp are the co-chairs for the CCT in 2025. To get in touch, please email  KTSPTA@kts.school.nz

Community Connectors: We have one COMMUNITY CONNECTOR for each year group.   The role of these volunteers is to focus on communication - keeping the year group up to date with events, welcoming new families, and responding to any queries. 

Event Teams: Each term we will hold a community event. We are looking for parents to become part of an event team for specific events (e.g. the disco). There are lots of ways you can contribute, and volunteering is a great way of meeting other parents. Please contact Tim or Aisling if you would like to help with one of our events.

Ice cream Sales
The PTA holds an ice cream sale on the last day of term at 3pm. Click here for the Flyer and List of ingredients
Second-Hand Uniform Sales
Once a term the PTA hold a second-hand uniform sale. The proceeds of this sale go back to the school. Keep an eye out for notices in the newsletter for dates.
Donations of any second-hand uniform are greatly appreciated. Please drop off to the school office.

2025 PTA Events

Term 1  
5 February 2nd hand uniform sale
20 February Community Picnic
9 April Colour Run
11 April Ice cream sale
Term 2  
Date TBC 2nd-hand uniform sale
25 May The Great Kohia Lego Show
27 June Ice cream sale
Term 3  
Date TBC 2nd hand uniform sale
Date TBC Disco
19 September Ice cream sale
Term 4  
Date TBC 2nd hand uniform sale
Date TBC Community Night
TBC Ice cream sale