The Kohia Terrace School Parent Teacher Association aims to support the school in providing the best education and opportunities for students. Our meetings are once a term and are relaxed and informal. They are usually held on a Monday night and confirmed in the newsletter prior. Anyone is welcome to attend and you will find it is an excellent opportunity to find out what is happening in our school. Meeting dates will be advised in the school newsletter.
Erica Carey is the Chairperson for the PTA in 2024
To contact the PTA, please email KTSPTA@kts.school.nz
Parent Liaisons
These are parents who have volunteered to help as a link between the teacher and parents for each classroom. This is a vital communication role. The parent liaisons also assist the PTA in keeping parents informed of upcoming events and spreading the word when help is needed to run these events. If you can help in any way throughout the year, please contact your class parent liaison.
What can you do to help?
The PTA would love your help! Do you enjoy planning events? Are you good at baking, or can you cook a delicious curry or dumplings? Are you a whiz on the BBQ or do you have an hour or two spare to help with uniform sales? Or can you donate goods or services for a raffle? There are lots of ways you can contribute, and volunteering is a great way of meeting other parents. Here is a sign-up sheet - please add your name next to something you are interested in and a PTA member will be in touch.
Ice cream Sale
The PTA holds an ice cream sale on the last day of term 1 at 3pm. Click here for the Flyer and List of ingredients
Second-Hand Uniform Sales
Once a term the PTA hold a second-hand uniform sale. The proceeds of this sale go back to the school. Keep an eye out for notices in the newsletter for dates.
Donations of any second-hand uniform are greatly appreciated. Please drop off to the school office.
2024 Meeting Minutes
19 February

2024 PTA Events


Entertainment memberships

Merchandise: KTS tea towels, drink bottles and glasses

Term 1  
21 February 2nd hand uniform sale
22 March Colour Run
12 April Ice cream sale
Term 2  
9 May 2nd hand uniform sale
20-24 May Book Week - Scholastic Book Sale
21 June Movie Night
Term 3  
TBC 2nd hand uniform sale
5 September Flip and Fly Circus lunchtime show
TBC Disco
Term 4  
TBC 2nd hand uniform sale
21 November Community Night
TBC Ice cream sale