Ancient Māori used the kōhia vine (NZ passionfruit) to carry flame from one village to another. Fire is power. Hence our vision statement "the power to dream, the passion to achieve".
Kohia is to gather. Our school whakatauki, Kohia te wānanga e tū ki te ao mārama, reflects the gathering of knowledge our students need to embrace in their eight years of learning at KTS, from a range of sources so they are equipped and able to be successful life long learners.
Care and Respect
Persevere to Achieve
Lead with Integrity
Mōhio (self awareness) A learner who knows and values self and strives to be the best they can be |
Whanaungatanga (relating to others) A learner who builds positive relationships through words and actions |
Whakaaro (thinking) A learner who actively notices, questions, and thinks flexibly to make sense of their world |
Whakatutukitanga (taking action) A learner who actively participates and contributes to achieve an outcome that makes a difference. |